1) Free shipping.
2) Low price.
3) Wide range of products.
1) Long service
2) Price-quality
3) Marriage
4) bad feedback to the site, there is little problem is solved in favor of the customer.
Ciao! So decided to write a review about China online store-TinyDeal.
TinyDeal if I'm not mistaken was founded in 2007 and is operated and surprises us again and again to this day. Who know the whole story TiniDila read on Wikipedia.
What I would say about Tinidil. TiniDil it on my dime-store, which includes all of the shops, it has virtually everything. Ranging from tiny trinkets, stickers on the screen, ending solidnenkim planshetikom.
Let's talk about the pros: TiniDil famous for its free shipping from China to anywhere in the world. Shipping is based on the workload of mail + some more factors in the total amount of 15-30 days, more-less. The same site provides us a choice of delivery, whether it is a free, whether it is paid and for a week. To place an order you can read user ez1k he wrote in detail how net/28305.html # comment85271.
Just about the price. I do not know what they are putting the price, probably because of the qualities, the more I see no justification for the price. Price there is a very funny, you can find solid in appearance watch for $ 3 $ -5, and to be the season. It's clear that you do them navryat be enough for 3 years, but I think enough for the season. After all, a reasonable person understands that the same Chinese watch will be on its market Ashot for all the $ 25 and then he hauled train on the ears that are copies of the originals and so on.
But what about the cons honestly say for the price inappropriately strongly offended by Ait you came marriage or long does product. After all the goods from China is one week prior to your country and the rest of the month you have smoked in the mail. Book the track number for $ 2 if your parcel does not exceed $ 33 and keep track of your goods.
About bonuses: TinyDeal offers all consumers and retailers to capitalize on its platform. TinyDeal Point-abbreviated TD scores. With each order you will be charged 10% of the cost of your order in the AP scores, let's say you have booked the tablet for $ 100 you get 10 TD points, and if a person registered under your referral link and bought a tablet for the same amount, you would get all 50 TD points (50%) and 50 TD Points = is $ 5 (10 TDp-1 USD). And for $ 5 you can order a watch and sell for a minimum of 15-20. :) Cool agree that the marketing system works for them. But that's not all, you're the same as the currently reading reviews, comments, posts, product reviews with pictures, text, video site you need to pay for it at the same points. Website pays you for any information advertise it, whether it's a good review of whether it is bad, the main readability, informativeness. In TD points, you can be calculated per order, making 90% of the order value and 10% of their money, explain: You ordered a tablet for $ 100, and assume you have a TD in the amount of points .... mmmm ... 1000. You are at the bottom of the order line find the line "Exchange TD Points" and enter the number 900. And voila, you have paid 90% of the value of the product and you can clearly see that the "Total to pay: $ 10." Tablet for $ 10. ... it's cool agree. Generally invite people into your business structure, order, write reviews and use TinyDeal, register http://www. / index.php? main_page = index & sk = 1737794621. Good luck to you:) Подробнее о TinyDeal...
1) Free shipping.
2) Low price.
3) Wide range of products.
1) Long service
2) Price-quality
3) Marriage
4) bad feedback to the site, there is little problem is solved in favor of the customer.
Ciao! So decided to write a review about China online store-TinyDeal.
TinyDeal if I'm not mistaken was founded in 2007 and is operated and surprises us again and again to this day. Who know the whole story TiniDila read on Wikipedia.
What I would say about Tinidil. TiniDil it on my dime-store, which includes all of the shops, it has virtually everything. Ranging from tiny trinkets, stickers on the screen, ending solidnenkim planshetikom.
Let's talk about the pros: TiniDil famous for its free shipping from China to anywhere in the world. Shipping is based on the workload of mail + some more factors in the total amount of 15-30 days, more-less. The same site provides us a choice of delivery, whether it is a free, whether it is paid and for a week. To place an order you can read user ez1k he wrote in detail how net/28305.html # comment85271.
Just about the price. I do not know what they are putting the price, probably because of the qualities, the more I see no justification for the price. Price there is a very funny, you can find solid in appearance watch for $ 3 $ -5, and to be the season. It's clear that you do them navryat be enough for 3 years, but I think enough for the season. After all, a reasonable person understands that the same Chinese watch will be on its market Ashot for all the $ 25 and then he hauled train on the ears that are copies of the originals and so on.
But what about the cons honestly say for the price inappropriately strongly offended by Ait you came marriage or long does product. After all the goods from China is one week prior to your country and the rest of the month you have smoked in the mail. Book the track number for $ 2 if your parcel does not exceed $ 33 and keep track of your goods.
About bonuses: TinyDeal offers all consumers and retailers to capitalize on its platform. TinyDeal Point-abbreviated TD scores. With each order you will be charged 10% of the cost of your order in the AP scores, let's say you have booked the tablet for $ 100 you get 10 TD points, and if a person registered under your referral link and bought a tablet for the same amount, you would get all 50 TD points (50%) and 50 TD Points = is $ 5 (10 TDp-1 USD). And for $ 5 you can order a watch and sell for a minimum of 15-20. :) Cool agree that the marketing system works for them. But that's not all, you're the same as the currently reading reviews, comments, posts, product reviews with pictures, text, video site you need to pay for it at the same points. Website pays you for any information advertise it, whether it's a good review of whether it is bad, the main readability, informativeness. In TD points, you can be calculated per order, making 90% of the order value and 10% of their money, explain: You ordered a tablet for $ 100, and assume you have a TD in the amount of points .... mmmm ... 1000. You are at the bottom of the order line find the line "Exchange TD Points" and enter the number 900. And voila, you have paid 90% of the value of the product and you can clearly see that the "Total to pay: $ 10." Tablet for $ 10. ... it's cool agree. Generally invite people into your business structure, order, write reviews and use TinyDeal, register http://www. / index.php? main_page = index & sk = 1737794621. Good luck to you:) Подробнее о TinyDeal...
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